Past winners • Gagnant.e.s précédent.e.s
2024 Arseli Dokumaci. Activist Affordances: How Disabled People Improvise More Habitable Worlds. Duke University Press.
2023 Jonathan Sterne. Diminished Faculties: A Cultural Phenomenology of Impairment. Duke University Press.
2022 Sara M. Grimes. Digital Plagrounds: The Hidden Pollitics of Children’s Play Spaces, Virtual Worlds and Connected Games. University of Toronto Press.
2021 Cait McKinney. Information Activism: A Queer History of Lesbian Media Technologies. Duke University Press.
2020 Nick Dyer-Witheford and Svitlana Matviyenko. Cyberwar and Revolution: Digital Subterfuge in Global Capitalism. University of Minnesota Press.
2019 Fenwick McKelvey. Internet Daemons: Digital Communications Possessed. University of Minnesota Press.
2018 Enda Brophy. Language Put to Work: The Making of the Global Call Centre Workforce. Palgrave Macmillan.
2017 Nicole S. Cohen. Writers’ Rights: Freelance Journalism in a Digital Age. McGill-Queen’s University Press.
2016 Nick Dyer-Witheford. Cyber-Proletariat: Global Labour in the Digital Vortex. University of Minnesota Press.
2015 Mark Munsterhjelm. Living Dead in the Pacific: Contested Sovereignty and Racism in Genetic Research on Taiwan Aborigines. UBC Press.
2014 John Bonnett. Emergence and Empire: Innis, Complexity and the Trajectory of History. McGill-Queen’s University Press.
2013 Bart Beaty. Comics Versus Art. University of Toronto Press.
2012 Neil Gerlach, Sheryl N. Hamilton, Rebecca Sullivan, and Priscilla L. Walton. Becoming Biosubjects: Bodies. Systems. Technology. University of Toronto Press
2011 Peter C. van Wyck. The Highway of the Atom. McGill-Queens University Press.
2010 Jody Berland. North of Empire: Essays on the Cultural Technologies of Space. Duke University Press.
2009 Paul Moore. Now Playing: Early Moviegoing and the Regulation of Fun. State University of New York Press.
2008 Dwayne Winseck and Robert Pike, Communication and Empire: Media, Markets and Globalization, 1860-1930
2007 Michele Martin. Images at War: Illustrated Periodicals and Constructed Nations. University of Toronto Press.
2006 Bart Beaty. Fredric Wertham and the Critique of Mass Culture. University Press of Mississippi.
2005 Peter Van Wyck. Signs of Danger: Waste, Trauma and Nuclear Threat. University of Minnesota Press.
2004 Charles Acland. Screen Traffic: Movies, Multiplexes and Global Culture. Duke University Press.
2003 Michael Dorland and Maurice Charland. Law, Rhetoric, and Irony in the Formation of Canadian Civil Culture. University of Toronto Press.
2002: award not conferred
2001 (inaugural award) Karim H. Karim. Islamic Peril: Media and Global Violence. Black Rose Books.